Saint Francis from Paola [ 1475-1477 ]

Saint Francis from Paola
Saint Francis from Paola   Saint Francis from Paola

Saint Francis from Paola   Saint Francis from Paola

Story of the church

In 1475 Saint Francis of Paola, founder of the Minims, and later patron of the town, arrived in Corigliano Calabro . It is thanks to him that the monastery and the church were founded, while he was staying in the town . The sacred building keeps a lot of valuable works, . Among them there are the big painting called “The name of Jesus”, by Felice Vitale from Maratea, of the end of the XVI c., the representation of the Holy Trinity by Pietro Negroni, the representation of the Holy Trinity with the Blessed Franciscans, Gaspare Del Bono and Nicola Saggio di Longobardi, by Pietro Costantini, the two frescoes , recently found , portraying our Holy Lady of the Pomegranate and a polyptych dating to the XV – XVI century.

Other churches in the town of Corigliano