Parable of the good Samaritan

Parable of the good Samaritan


In the scene we find on the right the representation of a town in the distance, while in the foreground there is Christ bending and stretching his arms to help a naked and wounded man, laying on the ground . Behind the man there is an angel who is giving a golden cup to Jesus. In the following scene the wounded man is sitting on a donkey , Jesus is walking in front of the animal, while putting some coins on the palms of the hands of an innkeeper .
Because of the bad conditions of the parchment , half figure of the innkeeper , has disappeared and what remains is a reddish shade of his head. According to Guglielmo Cavallo, the angel , not mentioned by Luke, must have been inserted in the scene on the base of an allegorical – patriotic comment with allegorical – popular interpretation . According to it the Samaritan becomes Christ, the wounded man represents the fallen Mankind and the hotel represents the Church .

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